ECC has completed their new desks for all three of their primary schools. They were given to grades one through three and built by locals in the community.

These tables are to replace the long bench-like desks that previously worked in this classrooms. In some classrooms, they are the first time these children have had desks or tables at all. It is the first step in creating a child-friendly learning space. Instead of facing forward with very limited work area, the new tables are child-sized so children may sit in groups of six on the floor around the table, facing each other collaborating, and sharing classroom materials.

Child-friendly furniture was one of the first requests of the teachers and school boards, so ECC fulfilled that request by creating child-friendly tables that begin to shift the environment in the classroom. It moves school away from lecture focused, non child-cantered learning, to a collaborative child-based environment that encourages interactive teaching and better learning.

Not to mention, the students were thrilled to have these new bits of furniture just their size.

Thanks to donors for making this possible!

Next up: Carpet, plaster, and p-foam for the floors.